I learned a lot about Dahmer that I never knew previously. There's no use showing us what we already know. And the movie doesn't try to shock us with gory details of these grisly occurrences, because that's not its intention. We don't what drove Dahmer to madness, and what led up to the subsequent rapes, murders and eventual cannibalism.

We all know about the crimes that Dahmer committed. But this movie was not made to portray him as a hero, nor a villain. Like everybody, I believe that what Jeffrey Dahmer did was wrong, and I feel sorry for all the families who lost sons and other relatives due to him. Ripley" (a great film) focusing on a psychopath, but that's because Tom Ripley is a fictional character. There weren't too many complaints about "The Talented Mr. Films like this always have the immediate handicap of focusing not only on an evil, psychotic main character, but focusing on an evil, psychotic main character who we all know. This is a very well-made film that was put together on a very low budget. People seem really disgusted by the film, but the only thing that disgusts me are the negative reviews. Though not a great film, Dahmer is a film that relies on a strong lead performance to really make the film standout above its limitations.Reviewed by mattymatt4ever 8 / 10 A good, compelling, underrated piece of cinema True life horror stories are more interesting due to the fact that, it's not about monsters and other ghouls creating the terror, its real life psychos that provide the real terror, and are more frightening than any horror film combined. The story is simple, but effective in terms of sheer terror due to the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer's crimes are horrifying in nature, and that he was one of the most infamous of all American serial killers. Dahmer is exactly that, an exercise in madness, one that is constantly unnerving and horrifying from start to finish. Psycho horror films are interesting due to the fact that they always seem to uncover the darkest of the human mind.

Despite this, I think that the film is worth seeing due to Jeremy Renner's memorable performance. The story is engaging, but like I said, this film is a disturbing pierce of work, one that will probably satisfy specific fans of the genre, but it also may divide many as well. Renner is terrific in the lead, and you can clearly see hints of his talents that would define his career in later films. In terms of the psycho horror genre, Dahmer is a fine example of a film that uses a true story, which makes it that much disturbing to shock and horrify its viewers. Casting a then unknown Jeremy Renner in the lead role. Dahmer is an effective and disturbing, horrifying character study on serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.